2nd Transnational Project Meeting, Bursa

After the LTT training in the Netherlands, participants gathered for the second transnational meeting in Bursa, with the leading organisation Şehit Jandarma Uzman Çavuş İlyas Genel İlkokulu on 19 and 20 January 2023.

Right after the training at Business Development Friesland, Bursa İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü and its associate partners’, Şehit Jandarma Uzman Çavuş İlyas Genel İlkokulu’s and Georg-Buechner-Schule’s staff started the creation of the second output: Today’s Children Tomorrow’s Changemakers Board Game. And in this meeting, the partners checked how much progress had been made.

Within the agenda, we also visited Mudanya University and its founder Gıyasettin Bingöl. He shared his lifetime experiences about what makes a successful entrepreneur.

Finally we had a question answer session with the founders of UKLA Language School. They also shared their vision about what requires to become an entrepreneur. 


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